Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Love at 16 months

I haven't done a regular monthly update for a while now and I'll probably only do one at 18 months, but today I was just thinking about how much I adore this age. I remember feeling the same about 9 months, and then 13 months, and here we are again at 16 months. It's just such a magical age, he's learning new things every day and our house is just so full of happiness and love at the moment. Henry is such a happy, amenable little thing. Gone is the clingy baby that cried with the pain of reflux and his allergies, fed all night and required attention all day and in his place is a happy, content little boy. Tears and tantrums are very rare, he does as he's told and smiles and giggles all day, I don't know what we ever did to deserve him.
Nothing particularly out of this world happens in our house; we go out for coffee and snack time after a nap or we sing 'head, shoulders, knees and toes' to which Henry only does the head, knees and ears parts (super cute). We eat roast chicken together at the table as a three, watch Peppa Pig so often that we know the words, read the same books, play with the same toys. We marvel over new words and laugh at new expressions, cuddle lots and kiss often. Our life is so very simple at the moment but I'm loving every minute of it...I just wish I could find the pause button.
Just dinner time, but I love it.

Just snack time in Tesco cafe, but absolutely perfect.

Just a car journey, but being a three makes it so much better.

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