Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Precious moments

When I left work today I arrived home to a poorly and sad boy. Nothing serious, just a temperature and he was refusing to eat, which is always a sure sign that something's up because he usually loves his food. We had planned to go to a little play centre and have a wander round town but instead changed our plans and had a PJ afternoon at home, just the two of us. We got snuggled up as soon as we got in, read a few books and watched some Peppa. He'd spent the whole morning asleep at my mum's (very out of character) but when I cuddled him in on the sofa, he snuggled in and fell thing I knew it was almost 2 hours later and we'd both been sleeping soundly together for all that time. 
As I cuddled him close, his head warm, I couldn't help but treasure such a beautiful moment. Not perfect, we'd rather have been out in town, but I love these pure, raw moments of motherhood the best. I love that when he's poorly, only I will do. I love that he wants to snuggle for that bit longer and sleep in my arms, something that he won't want to do forever. So today hasn't been a total write-off, I hope my little one is brighter in the morning, but until then, I'm enjoying these snuggles while they last.

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