Well this post is a more realistic one about the day in the life of a working mummy.
I had about 3 hours sleep last night due to an unsettled baby and a dog being sick at midnight. I spent my precious minutes this morning cleaning up more dog sick in the kitchen, washing up the dishes that we forgot to do last night and frantically changing nappies, outfits etc. so that I wouldn't be late for work. I handed my baby over with a kiss at 7:30 and switched into work mode, a mode that I didn't switch off until 5:30 on the drive home. Mr B had picked up Henry already so I rushed home to relieve him so he could walk the dog, start dinner and do some work on the laptop. After spending a very precious hour with Henry, it was time for his bath time, a long feed and bed time. I then had time to snatch a quick shower, a glass of squash and I had 2 minutes to hang the washing on the airer before collapsing into bed myself....
It was then that I remembered the blog post I'd planned to write tonight. I hadn't taken one photo or had time to even give it a second thought. My mind had been on breakfast time, outfits, cardigans, car seats, strollers and changing bags. It had been on educating and keeping 30 children safe, planning and mapping out an entire new curriculum for September and organising a production for Year 6 in 3 weeks time. My mind had been on engorged boobs thanks to a dropped feed, what was for dinner and what time I'd be home. It was on my JLAD who I was worried about, my mum who was busy looking after my precious boy, my husband who had an important meeting and my baby who I think about every minute of every day. Even now while I'm writing this I'm also half thinking about what time I need to be up in the morning. 6:10, just in case you're wondering.
So there you have it, this is a day in the life of a working mummy, laid totally bare. No pretty photos or Instagram filters to cover up what was simply a very busy day. I'll try really hard to do my more lighthearted photo post tomorrow.
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