Wednesday, 4 June 2014

A very normal afternoon

It's only Wednesday but it has to be said, I'm loving only working part time. Monday was tough because I was there all day but I've only worked mornings for the last 2 days which has meant that I've been home for 1pm. 
After I picked Henry up today we came home and went back to bed for a nap. After working all morning there's nothing better than putting on my pjs and snuggling my little bear, I miss him so much on a morning.
He was shattered so fell asleep really quickly and I must have drifted off soon after. Next thing I know it's 4:45...nearly three hours later!! We must have needed the sleep but I'm not sure how easily either of us will go to sleep tonight now. Oh well.
We then got up and played together, had dinner and watched some tv. There have been plenty of kisses and snuggles, lots of stories and games and tasty food. It has been a thoroughly normal afternoon but I've loved every second.

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