Dear Henry,
You have learnt to do so many amazing new things this month. You are now crawling around the place, mainly after naughty things! Your favourite thing to crawl to is George's bone. He loves to steal your toys and now you're after his...what are you two like?! You can wave and clap your hands and you're starting to cruise around the furniture and you love to walk holding our hands. I can't believe how grown up you're getting, you've got a definite little personality that's starting to show through, not just a baby anymore. You are such a lovely little boy. When we're out and about you smile at everyone and love attention from strangers.!You're always charming old ladies in cafes and the ladies on the tills in Tesco love you too.
We haven't done anything hugely exciting this month. Mostly our weekends have been spent sleeping and resting because I'm exhausted being back at work and still being up several times a night with you. You are such a terrible sleeper, I know that one day when you're old enough to read this you'll probably sleep all the time and I'll moan about that too!! To be fair you are improving a little, we had a 7 hour stretch of sleep this week...your longest ever. The next night you were awake 3 times though so it didn't last long. Never mind, like I say I know it won't last forever and I don't want you to grow up too fast anyway. We went to look round a few new houses last week. I'm not sure when we'll end up moving but we want our next house to be our 'forever' house. The one that you'll really grow up in, the one that you'll love coming home to when you're all grown up. We want it to be perfect so we're not in any rush to move. Exciting.
That's about all that's new this month lovely boy. I can't believe the next time I write you a 'Dear Henry' letter you'll be 10 and a half close to being one! We are starting to really think about your birthday party now too, more on that next month.
I love you more and more every day beautiful boy, I'm so glad that you are mine.
Mummy xxx
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