Monday, 30 June 2014

Coyo - dairy free yogurt

A few people have asked me what I miss most now that I'm strictly egg and dairy free. You'd assume chocolate or tea, but you'd be wrong. Yogurt is what I miss most. It was something that I pretty much ate every day, either for breakfast or as a snack. Yogurt, berries and granola is my favourite breakfast and I'd do anything for a sneaky bowl of it now. There are decent alternatives available for chocolate and other treats, but until today I hadn't found a good yogurt alternative.
My friend told me about a brand called Coyo that our local Tesco had recently started stocking, so I picked one up today and I have to say, I LOVE it. I had a dollop with some diced mango as a snack and it was soo good. It's basically made from coconut and tastes like a really good, thick and creamy coconut flavoured yogurt. You'd never guess that it was dairy free. 
I was a little concerned that it was pretty expensive and also has quite a high fat content but I quickly realised that you don't eat much of it in one go. It's really rich and a small spoonful is easily enough with some fruit or granola. Apparently they do other flavours too so I'll definitely be looking out for them this week, I can't wait to try them. I think Henry will love it too, I'm going to add it to some pineapple, banana and oats this weekend to make him some breakfast smoothies...almost like a piƱa colada for babies!!
I'm going to treat myself to strawberries, granola and Coyo in the morning and I'm looking forward to it already...oh the exciting life of a dairy free mama!

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