Saturday, 14 June 2014

Loving the NHS

British people love a moan, I'm guilty of it myself. We complain about everything that's wrong with this country and spend very little time thinking about how bloody lucky we actually are to live here. 

I woke up earlier feeling worse than I had all week despite an epic lie in thanks to Mr B. I couldn't look at the light without my eyes hurting, I had a temperature and a banging headache...not a good way to start a Saturday. Anyway I knew that I couldn't wait until Monday for an appointment and really didn't want to have to call in sick on Monday when I've only just come back from maternity leave. I called 111 and they made me an appointment at a surgery up the road for an hour later. I was seen straight away and it turns out I have an ear infection and sinusitis, no wonder I've felt rubbish all week. I got a prescription, which was free because I have a baby under a year old, and off I went. It didn't cost a penny and I know that I'll start feeling better soon. 

There are so few countries in the whole world where I would have been able to do that this morning, particularly on a weekend and I'm so grateful for the NHS and for our tax system that funds it.

1 comment:

  1. People are quick to report the negatives but it is a fantastic service.
