Sunday 18 May 2014


So in just 2 days time it's my birthday and I'm finally going to be 27. Why the finally you may ask. Well, I've always wanted to be 27, as ridiculous as that sounds. When I was a little girl, and I mean really little, I thought 27 was such a cool age. I had a little image in my head of 27 year olds and they were the coolest people around. They were slim and beautiful, drank Starbucks takeaway as they walked around with their nice handbags, they drove nice cars, had good jobs, a handsome husband and beautiful babies. It's pretty ridiculous that I thought that this specifically happened at 27, but I did!! I used to dream about being 27 and I couldn't wait to finally get there myself.

I'm determined to make this year my best ever, I can't let my 7 year old self down now can I?! I'm going to lose those last few pounds, I will drink more Starbucks and make sure I always have a good handbag with me. Luckily the car, job, husband and baby are all ticked off the list so things are looking pretty damn good for my 28th year on this planet.

Happy days.

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