Friday 2 May 2014


I caught up on some tv tonight once Henry was in bed and we watched a programme on adoption that was on ITV earlier in the week. What some of those children have gone through is absolutely heartbreaking. What the poor parents have gone through in the journey to becoming a parent is also hideous. I can't even imagine how painful it must be to not be able to have children naturally, particularly if that's all you've ever wanted. They then have a long battle through the adoption process and it certainly doesn't end when the children arrive at their door. These parents and children are totally inspirational and the strength that they must have is amazing.

Watching the programme made me feel so very lucky. Since being a little girl all I wanted in the world was to be a mummy. At the end of 2012 we decided that September 2013 was when we would be ready for a baby and perfect for maternity leave (teachers will understand the desire for September babies!). Henry arrived on 21st September 2013. We didn't have to battle or fight to get him and I took that for granted really. I now realise how incredibly lucky we are to have a happy and healthy little boy. I've had a perfect maternity leave that couldn't really have been timed any better if I'd tried, and I've loved every single second of it. 

Im going to bed tonight a very happy mummy, feeling very thankful for my lot and thinking of those whose lives aren't quite so easy.

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