Wednesday 7 May 2014

Sunshine Baby

Henry has loved his first day in Spain. He was an angel on the flight, slept well when we arrived and has been a little treasure all day long. He's experienced Carrefour, eaten so many tasty things, swam in the pool and soon he's off out for dinner with his Mummy and Marmar. Daddy arrives tomorrow which is super exciting too.

I downloaded 3 new books on to my kindle for this week which I'm now beginning to realise was a bit ambitious! I'll be lucky to read 3 pages I think. I'm loving spending the day with my little water baby though, who needs a nice, even tan anyway?!

Looking super gorgeous in brand new dungarees which lasted all of 10 minutes due to a poo explosion at breakfast. Oh, the glamorous life of a mummy.

Hanging out by our super cool Audi rent a car!!

All ready for shopping in Carrefour

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