Thursday, 22 May 2014

Polling day

We seem to be calling it Election Day rather than the traditional Polling Day, just another Americanism that's slipped in unnoticed. Just a thought! 

Anyway I hope all of you Brits reading have been out to vote today. It bothers me so much when people don't bother to vote, yet spend the next few years moaning about politicians and their policies. Even if you disagree with every political party or candidate's policies, go and spoil your still sends a very strong message to the government that change needs to happen. Politicians are always after votes and spoiled votes are the ones they'll go after first. These are the people that want to vote, the ones that can be bothered and want to engage in the political system. Politicians don't care about voters who sit at home, they are unlikely to ever go out and vote, no matter what the policies of a party. As a girl, I was always told by my mum that women had died for my right to vote and that was something that I should take very seriously. She was totally right and I will never ever waste my right to vote. There are millions of people across the world who would give anything to live in a democracy like ours, people who would give anything to be able to vote. Yet the turnout for our democratic elections is pitifully low.

I had quite a few 'Who should you vote for?' questionnaires pop up on my newsfeed on Facebook today. I can't believe that people would use this to choose who to vote for, particularly by doing it on polling day itself. It always surprises me how apathetic people are about politics in the UK, yet everyone has an opinion on politicians and can tell you everything they're doing wrong. Unless you choose to take politics at A level (not all schools even offer that), there is absolutely no education in political matters in schools and I honestly think that needs to change. People see it as boring, something irrelevant to their lives and honestly that couldn't be more wrong. Politics affects every single aspect of all of our lives and we need to engage with it more, rather than just moaning about what politicians are doing.

So go out and vote today, people. And if you are going to vote, try to educate yourself a little more on the policies of the main parties rather than just filling in a questionnaire on Facebook. 

On a brighter, less ranting note, Henry charmed everyone in our polling station. He had grins and waves for everyone. Here's the little cutie pie outside...

1 comment:

  1. Well said Bee. Go out now all you UK residents and vote, spoil it or leave it completely blank...all count.
