Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Henry at 8 months

Where does the time go? My little lamb is 8 months already!! Here's his monthly update:

Weight: I had him weighed last week and he was following his line well (still around the 85th centile) weighing 20lb 13oz.

Routine: Henry is napping 3 times a day; one short half hour nap on a morning, a longer, 2 hour afternoon nap and then another half an hour early evening. He then goes to bed around 8ish.

Food: Henry eats 3 meals a day with snacks in between. He's tried so many different types of food and loves everything apart from broccoli! He's getting so much better at feeding himself now that he has a couple of teeth too.

Sleep: Henry is so hit and miss with his sleep. We had a really great few days last week but then his teeth appeared which really messed up his sleep again! He's still never slept longer than 5 hours in a row and he's only done that a couple of times. We'll get there.

Sizes: We are now in size 9-12 clothes and Henry is wearing size 4+ nappies.

•He can now crawl backwards and is so close to going forwards but he's not quite there yet. Baby proofing of the house has definitely commenced!
• Henry has his bottom 2 teeth through, they're so cute!!
• He has learnt to wave for 'hi' and 'bye' which is just adorable! Definitely my favourite skill so far.
• When I put my arms out to Henry, he now does the same and it melts my heart every time. I think this was the milestone I was most looking forward to, I remember my niece and nephews doing it and I couldn't wait for Henry to do it. So cute.
• Henry can now stand and hold himself up at the sofa or on the coffee table. He can't quite pull himself up yet though, don't think it'll be long.

Overall a very happy month with my beautiful boy. I can't believe how quickly this year is flying by.

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