Monday, 19 May 2014

YouTube faves

I loooove YouTube. I think it's the future in terms of television and entertainment and the way it's grown just in the last year is astonishing. Mr B and I watch it all the time and I subscribe to several channels on there. I thought I'd blog about my top 5 in case any of you are looking for some inspiration on what to watch next time you're on YouTube. It's all pretty trashy, but anyone who knows that type of trash that I watch on normal tv won't really be surprised!

1) Saccone Jolys - My favourite channel! I've been watching this for about 2 years now. It's basically an Irish family that vlog their lives every day. I started watching before they had their first baby and they now have 2 lovely little children. They have nearly half a million subscribers and ultimately it's just easy watching 'reality tv'.

2) Anna Saccone - This is a beauty and lifestyle channel that is run by Anna Saccone (from the Saccone Jolys). It has make up tutorials, skin care tips, diet advice, fashion videos and more recently, lots of good mummy and baby videos. I think she usually uploads around 3 times a week.

3) Zoella - This channel is run by an English girl called Zoe and is generally fashion and make up videos, as well as other lifestyle things. She has almost 5 million subscribers, so is one of the most popular British channels on YouTube.

4) Daily Bumps - another daily vlog channel of a family that life in Southern California. Their little boy is a similar age to Henry which is why I like them so much. 

5) Missy Lanning - A channel run by the 'mum' from Daily bumps. This is generally mummy and baby videos that are uploaded around 3 times a week. I really like them and there are lots about breastfeeding and weaning etc. which is particularly relevant to us at the moment.

A pic of my little telly head watching some tv himself!!

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