Sunday 21 September 2014

Henry's 1st Birthday, in photos

Birthday breakfast - Rice Krispies and chocolate birthday cake!
Look at all these presents 
Henry getting stuck in
Second birthday breakfast at Marmar's
And more presents! 
Tired out by 10am. Nap time with Mummy and Daddy
Lunch time at Wagamama 
Mmm cherry ice lollies for dessert
Fun at the soft play centre
And at the farm too
Nap time with Mummy
Sitting on his new big boy chair
What a spoilt boy 
Our new bedtime story. Makes Mummy cry every time 
Fast asleep as a one year old 
Mummy and Daddy's tea, we'd been so busy we had no time to cook and realised we were totally starving once Henry was in bed! Washed down with a glass of prosecco.

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