Thursday, 4 September 2014

The morning feed

I remember thinking that the morning milk feed would be really stressful once I went back to work. I envisioned rushing around, trying to get everything done and having a baby who was desperate for more milk. In reality it's totally different to how I expected, it's one of my favourite times of the day.
This morning Henry woke up for his feed at 6am, half an hour before my alarm was set to go off. I can't believe I'd ever enjoy being woken before my alarm but I do. I love that Henry's still half asleep, his little eyes tightly closed. I love that he's warm and toasty and he wants to snuggle in. I love how easy breastfeeding is and how I don't really need to fully wake up to feed him in bed next to me. I truly enjoy that half an hour's peace in the dark cuddling up to my beautiful baby boy, before the chaos of getting dressed and getting Henry to my mum's, before the craziness of a class of children or the stress of deadlines or paperwork. It's just us, snuggling in the dark, and it's perfect.

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