Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Henry at 12 months

Wow, a whole year old. This will be the last update I do for a while as the milestones don't tend to be as frequent as they were in the first year. I'll try and do one every 6 months or so.

Weight: I had Henry weighed a month ago at our health visitor review and he was 22lb 9oz then. I'd think he'll be almost 23 pounds now. His weight gain has definitely slowed down considerably and he's not such a chunky monkey these days. I have to say, I definitely miss those gorgeous thigh rolls and wrist creases but it's nice that his clothes fit him for longer than a few weeks before needing the next size.

Routine: Henry's routine hasn't changed since last month. He has two naps which are really flexible, one longer one (around 90 minutes) and one shorter one (around half an hour). He then goes to bed at 7:30 after his bath.

Food: He's just amazing with food. He'll still eat anything, he's happy to be spoon fed if we're in a hurry, he's great at feeding himself, he'll try anything new. He's been so easy when it's come to food. We've started ordering for him in restaurants too which is lovely. Wagamamas is great and he loves tomatoey spaghetti in any Italian restaurant. He's still allergic to milk and eggs though but we've been referred to a dietician and allergist at the hospital, so hopefully we'll know more about that soon.

Sleep: Henry's sleep is still not great. Last week he was only waking up once, around 3:30am, for a feed. I was really happy with this and hoped it might be the start of a new routine, but this week he's feeding constantly from about 4:30am until our alarm goes off at 6am, so I'm shattered! We'll get there.

Sizes: Henry is in 12-18 month clothes and size 4+ nappies. We haven't had his feet measured since July so I'm not sure what size he is now.


• Henry talks all day. "Boo" is definitely his favourite word, he says it all the time and thinks he's hilarious. He's started saying George when he sees the dog and can say Marmar too. Aside from these words, he just constantly babbles and shouts if he's being ignored.

• He now has 7 teeth through, so cute.

• Henry now points at things that he wants or he wants to show us. If we ask him where things are, he'll show us by pointing. His favourites are any lights in the house and some pretty little butterflies in my mum's kitchen. He also points and cries if he wants something that he isn't allowed...a packet of Oreos for example!

• Henry can walk with his walker and holding one of our hands but isn't walking on his own yet. He can stand up unsupported but usually just drops straight down to crawl away!

So that's my baby boy's last update for his first year. I think he's just amazing, no more amazing than any other baby or child, but amazing nonetheless. I love watching him grow and learn new things every day and can't wait for all the new milestones in the next year.

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