Thursday, 25 September 2014

The downside to our busy birthday weekend

After a really busy week and weekend celebrating Henry's birthday, a really stressful and hectic few days at work, no lie in for a fortnight and an average of about 4 hours sleep a night in the last week...I'm ill...again. My immune system is totally shot to pieces and I'm feeling really sorry for myself. 
Henry is feeding non-stop after his sickness bug and I'm obviously giving him all of the goodness from my body and not getting enough myself. That combined with the lack of sleep and working in a school surrounded by over 300 children carrying various germs, and I'm feeling really poorly. Just a cold, but enough to make everything feel like really hard work. I'm currently lying on the sofa joined by a hungry one year old who is feeding for the millionth time today despite eating a huge dinner just an hour ago. Ho hum.
So it's a bath and an early night for me, some vitamin tablets and plenty vitamin c in the form of orange juice and a massive wedge of watermelon. Let's hope
they do the trick in time for the weekend.

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