So here we are at 23 weeks and my little one has made it very clear that he is ready for his first solids. He now watches everything, and I mean everything, that we put into our mouths! I now understand what people mean when they say that they just know when their baby is ready. Only fruit and veg are recommended before 6 months as babies can't process gluten before this so for the next 3 weeks we are going to make our way through every fruit and vegetable that we can to get Henry used to different flavours and textures. I don't think I've ever been so excited about fruit and veg! Our fruit and veg box arrived on Monday so we were all set.
I steamed a carrot first and then mashed it in my mini masher (by Annabel Karmel/NUK). I mixed in a little expressed milk and we were good to go. I froze the leftover carrot in an ice cube tray so we will just use these up in the next few days and weeks.
Henry wasn't really sure what to make of it all. He pulled a few funny faces, probably ate a couple of spoonfuls and was done, but it was a start! He was much happier holding the spoon himself which we let him do, with a bit of guidance from Mummy! Not sure I fancy carrot purée up our cream walls just yet.
And it all starts again tomorrow with parsnip purée...
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