What I've learnt this week though, is that travelling with a baby is very different to travelling as a couple.
On our previous trips to Norfolk we've stayed in a gorgeous boutique hotel that allows dogs to stay too. They provide treats and a comfy bed for the dogs and treats and a comfy bed for their owners too. It might be dog friendly, but it is definitely not baby friendly. I don't think Henry's new squawking noise would go down too well in the calm breakfast room while the other guests enjoy their smoked haddock and scrambled egg. I don't think our quiet afternoons sitting in the bar with a vodka and tonic would be such a treat with a 5 month old baby, desperate to explore his rather plush surroundings. The 5 course dinner that we previously enjoyed would now take far too long with a baby balanced on my knee. Who needs 5 courses spread over 3 hours when you can eat 1 really really quickly?! Anyway, I'm pretty sure that the mussels would be impossible to eat with one hand, which is a requirement these days. The price definitely isn't maternity pay friendly either and so we've settled on a cottage up the road instead. 7 whole nights for the price of 1 night in the hotel, no posh grannies to tut at us at breakfast time and way more space for all of our 'stuff'. How such a tiny person can need so much 'stuff' is totally beyond me! Where we used to pack a small pull-along suitcase between us, we now resemble a family emigrating to Australia with the amount of luggage. Where I used to think about how many different bracelets to pack, I now have to consider the same thing about muslin squares...not so glamorous. I used to consider my outfits carefully, this time I will throw a couple of jumpers and some jeans into a bag and hope for the best. Henry, however, will be immaculately dressed all week. I've planned his outfits with the same military precision that I used to afford to my own. The joys of being a mummy!
It's all very exciting though. We'll be able to go for walks along the beach, browse the stalls at the local farmers' markets, drink wine by the fire and have pub lunches. We have a jigsaw packed and I've even packed a book...I seriously doubt Henry will allow me time to read it, but ever the optimist and all that.
The very best news of all is, Marmar and Parpar are joining us for 4 of the days which means we might just get to escape back to the posh hotel for breakfast or dinner, just the 2 of us. We'll be able to eat with 2 hands, have adult conversation in adult voices and we won't have to sing Nellie the Elephant once! Now that's what I call a treat.
Looking windswept on the beach
Excited...can't wait. X