Saturday, 8 February 2014

Holiday Day 2 - Where the hideous car journey is a distant memory

Well the Norfolk air didn't help Henry sleep but the view from our bedroom window when we woke up certainly helped Mummy wake up. Gorgeous. 
We were absolutely starving, our Sainsbury's delivery wasn't due until 9am so we had to make do with water and Rolos. To be fair I can think of worse breakfasts to have. Henry had a play with his toys and Mr B and George went for a walk.
Why is it when your food shop is due and you've forgotten about it, it arrives on time, right at the start of your slot. But when you're starving hungry and the contents of your fridge are beer, wine, Rolos and expressed breast milk, the shop doesn't arrive until the very last minute of your hour slot?! Mr B was desperate for a coffee but due to the lack of milk, had to do without. I did jokingly offer him some of the breast milk in the fridge but he wasn't too keen! 
Anyway once our shop had arrived (at 9:58am) we devoured some toast and made coffee, then Mr B did the obligatory thing that all males do in a new house/hotel and flicked through the tv channels and made himself familiar with the remote. I remember my brother doing this when we were younger, must be a strange male ritual thing. Henry had a nap and we got to drink our coffee in peace whilst watching Saturday Kitchen and reading the newspaper. All pretty idyllic.
There's no reason why we can't do these things at home on a Saturday but they just don't seem to happen, there are always jobs to do when Henry naps and so it felt like a proper treat this morning. We were both relaxed, we chatted and Mr B's work phone didn't ring once.
M&P arrived about 11:30 so they settled in and Henry enjoyed having the attention of 4 adults, rather than just boring Mum and Dad.
We went to Brancaster for a beach walk at lunchtime. The wind was WILD, the sand was blowing around and I now have sand everywhere, in my eyebrows, up my nose, in my hair...not good!! Still, it blew the cobwebs away and Henry had a nap buried deep in the sling.

We went to The Ship in Brancaster for lunch. A posh pub, but nice and relaxed so therefore baby friendly. Gorgeous food, just what we needed.

We are now back at home in the cottage. Dogs are asleep, I'm cuddling a sleepy baby and the boys are watching football. It'll soon be wine o'clock and we have a quiet evening planned. Perfect.

1 comment:

  1. ...and of course we also completed the 4 sides of the jigsaw. X
