Friday 18 April 2014

A rant about body obsession...

This is going to be a mini-rant about the Daily Mail....if you choose not to read on I don't blame you but I need to rant about it and I don't think poor old Mr B wants to hear another Daily Mail rant from me anytime soon.

I have the Daily Mail App on my phone and always read the showbiz news on it. I may be a saddo, but I like to keep up to date with who's marrying who, who's pregnant and the like. They have good pictures of Kate and William in Australia and looking at Kate's pretty dresses and shoes is currently one of my favourite past times whilst filling the bottomless pit that is my son's stomach with breastmilk.

I've noticed recently that any article on any new celebrity mummy always comments on her weight. To be fair, it's usually a positive comment like 'Kerry already looked slim in a juicy couture tracksuit' (Looking slim in a juicy couture tracksuit is no easy thing, just had a baby or not!) which was written about Kerry Katona this week. Why does there even need to be a comment about a new mum's weight 24 hours after she's given birth?? I'm so fed up of reading about Frankie Sandford's weightloss since having her baby 7 months ago. The poor girl put on a lot of weight and certainly doesn't need the Daily Mail scrutinising how she's losing it every time she's seen out in public. 
The journalists probably think they are being really supportive of new mums by describing them as slim or thin within hours of giving birth but it's the direct opposite. Women aren't thin after having a baby, they're not supposed to be. The day before their uterus was the size of a beach ball and their body was working harder than ever to push out a baby...getting thin again is honestly the least of its worries at that stage. Making out that celebrities are slim as they leave the hospital is totally unobtainable to the normal woman. It isn't the case. I was so glad when Kate left the hospital after having Prince George with her mummy tummy very clearly on display. That is what women look like after having a baby and she looked amazing. Feel free to comment on the baby's name, the hospital, any previous children...but the comment about the weight loss is totally unnecessary.

The other thing that is also really driving me mad at the moment are the pictures of Sam Faiers (from TOWIE) in a bikini looking very slim. A couple of years ago she was really curvy, but a totally healthy weight. You'd think she had been obese the way the press are going on now about her 'incredible' weight loss. The girl has just been diagnosed with Crohn's disease, she hasn't eaten solid food for weeks because her digestive system can't cope with it and she's been living on medicated shakes. Now it could be just me but I think there is something seriously wrong when we are celebrating how amazing a poorly body looks. A body that is struggling and a girl that is living through horrific pain. I think it's so so sad that younger girls will see those pictures of her on the beach and aspire to look like that. Crohn's is an awful illness and I'm sure that because of it and the many medications she will try in the next few years, her weight will yo-yo hugely. The press will have a field day. 

I've just checked the app now and out of the 20 or so showbiz articles, 6 are heavily focused around celebrities bodies, including a good look at Coleen Rooney and Kourtney Kardashian's 'bikini bodies'. And then we wonder why we have so many issues with eating disorders and body awareness in the western world.

I know there will be many of you who would tell me to simply stop reading this drivel but honestly I don't understand why celebrity news has become celebrity body news. Like I say, I enjoy seeing photos of celebrities in pretty dresses or seeing what wedding dress Kim Kardashian will choose for her next wedding. It's totally sad but it's escapist reading and I enjoy it. I'm just so glad the Daily Mail app wasn't around when I was an impressionable, self conscious 14 year old.

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