Monday, 21 April 2014

Henry at 7 months

I can't believe another month has passed and our little boy is 7 months old! Here is his monthly update. 

Weight: I finally got round to having him weighed last week and he is 20lb 3oz. He's now sitting nicely between the 75th and 91st centile lines in his red he's around the 85th centile I'd say.

Routine: Henry tends to have 2 daily naps now, one morning and one afternoon. If he's staying up a bit later he'll have an early evening one too. His naps are totally flexible and as long as he gets one good, long nap a day (around 2 hours), he's a happy bunny. His other nap is usually about 30mins-1 hour long. 
I'm so glad I trusted my instincts and let Henry nap on my lap or in bed with me for the first few months, rather than listen to other people who told me that I'd NEVER get him into his own cot for naps if I did that. He now happily sleeps wherever suits us and as I type this he has been napping in his cot for well over an hour.

Food: Henry now eats solids 3 times a day and has tried pretty much everything.  Beef casserole is his favourite at the moment and I'm still loving cooking and pureeing for him. He has finger foods at every meal, things like toast, rice cakes, fruit or veggie sticks etc. He's getting much better at feeding himself but George the dog still eats the majority of it that ends up on the floor! 
Henry is intolerant to all dairy and eggs and so we are currently totally cutting them out of our diets to see if it helps his reflux and eczema. Milk and eggs give him hives all over his face when he has them, poor baby.
Henry is still breastfed and feeds around 4 times during the day and usually 2-3 times at night (on a good night!)

Sleep: Henry is still not sleeping well but I feel like he's definitely improving. We get the odd 3 or 4 hour stretch of sleep now which we weren't getting and I'm hoping that after another few weeks of being dairy-free, we'll see a big difference because he isn't being woken up by his reflux.

Sizes: We are coming to the end of the  6-9 month clothes and have started wearing some of the 9-12 month ones that we have, although they seem huge! He is still wearing size 4 nappies.

•He can now push himself forward onto his tummy from a sitting position, but isn't always sure what to do next so tends to just lie on his tummy and get cross that he can't go any further.
• Not really a milestone as such but a very cute quirk. He will smile at anyone and I mean literally anyone. Any strangers that give him the tiniest bit of attention and he turns into full on flirt mode and his eyes light up and he breaks out into the biggest grin. So cute.
• He can pick up anything he wants, even really small objects and he passes them between his hands, hits them and throws them. He loves making noise so spends a lot of his day just whacking his toys to make plenty of noise!
• In the last few days Henry can now hold himself in a proper crawling position. He doesn't move or anything, usually because he is way too happy with himself and so just looks around grinning!
• Despite having all the signs of teething, there are definitely no teeth yet. 

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