Wednesday, 31 December 2014 overview

This time last year I posted an overview of my year here and I thought it would be nice to do the same thing again. I can't believe I've been blogging for a whole year today; this has to be the only resolution I've ever kept for an entire year. Anyway, he's a summary of our year (I've stuck to just pictures of our little family, I know other people may not be keen on having their photos posted on the Internet. We do have friends and other family, honest!)

Tucked up warm on a winters walk

Norfolk, February 2014

First ever food - puréed carrot

Afternoon tea, just loving being his mummy.

A horrible reaction to milk, one of the battles we've had in 2014

Sitting up at 5 months

What a lovely place to sit

On holiday, Spain May 2014

Our faces say it all 

This year was full of napping and snuggles

Lots of paddling pool time 

Beautiful walks 

Fun with mummy 

A very special 1st birthday 

Kisses for Donald
Disneyland, October 2014

Magical Christmas memories 

A very happy Christmas 

What a year, I'm so excited to see what the next will bring us.

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