Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Christmas shopping - Blogmas Day 9

After work today I went Christmas shopping with my mum and of course, Henry too. When we used to take him out as a tiny little thing we used to comment on how easy he was to take anywhere. Obviously we had our disaster trips out like anyone, but generally he was so easy as long as he was fed, changed and had plenty to see.
Here he is in M&S cafe a year ago. Look at those cheeks! 

I remember saying Christmas shopping would be much harder this year with a toddler but honestly it wasnt, it was just as lovely. We had lunch and Henry stuffed his face as usual and then we took him round to see all the lights on Metro Centre's little train, which he loved.

 He then fell asleep in his pushchair so we got all our shopping done and even had a coffee and cake before waking him up to go home. 

I don't want this to come across as a bragging type post about our perfect life, it absolutely isn't the intention and of course, like everyone else, we have our difficult days and nightmare shopping trips! The thing that bothers me is you hear so much negativity about having children and how your life will never be the same again and I just don't feel like that at all. My life is so much better with Henry in it. Every part of my life. And I just love sharing it with him.

And Day 9 of my advent calendar was a little bottle of Armani code perfume which is lovely.

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