Friday, 19 December 2014

Chicken pox! - a spotty Blogmas Day 19

Henry has the dreaded chicken pox, just in time for Christmas! Coupled with a chest and ear infection and he's in a bit of a bad way really. Poor lamb. He's actually ok in himself apart from wanting lots of cuddles and wanting to feed ALL day. His chicken pox aren't that bad, the doctor said because I'm still breastfeeding him they will probably be quite mild. Thank The Lord for boobies ey? So instead of going to my work's Christmas party tonight, I'm going to be eating a Chinese take-away, drinking prosecco and cuddling my little boy on the sofa. I have years ahead of me for going out, but right now I have a little one that only needs me (and my milk!) so I'm just going with it and enjoying the cuddles while they last.
Calpol, antibiotics and some skin cream. Not the way I'd like to be spending my Friday night! 

And my advent treat today was a small bottle of Flowerbomb perfume which I absolutely love but have never bought because it's a fortune! 

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