Thursday 11 December 2014

TBT - Christmas crafts - Blogmas Day 11

Today's Throwback Thursday is my brother and me enjoying some Christmas crafts. We're either three and four or two and three, I'm not quite sure which. My mum was such an amazing mum when we were small; we were always busy doing art, making boats from boxes or helping in the kitchen. Our living room certainly looks busy enough!!

Talking of Christmas crafts, Henry made some today at his playgroup party. He made us a calendar with his handprints on which is so cute. I always love doing calendars with the children at school and I'm looking forward to Henry bringing them home each year too. He also made a couple of other bits which are up on the wall already and will get put away in January to get out each year in December...yes we've become those kind of parents!

Today's advent treat was a LancĂ´me mascara which I'm looking forward to trying out.

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