Friday, 5 December 2014

Our Daily Routine - Blogmas Day 5

I'm always interested to read about other people's daily routines and I like reading back over our old posts to look at how much our routine has changed as Henry's grown up. It'll definitely be helpful for when we have baby #2 too. This is our routine for during the week, weekends are much more laid back.

6:30am Henry usually wakes up around 6:30. If we're really lucky on a weekend he'll fall back to sleep with a little cuddle in bed so we usually get a bit longer on a weekend. I need to be up and dressed by the time Henry is up or it's a huge disaster! Luckily Daddy is usually on hand for the days when Henry is up early or I'm not quite sorted.

7:00am Once we are sorted, we leave the house to drive to my Mum's house.

7:30am I leave Henry at Mum's and he has his breakfast after I leave for work.

7:45am-1:00pm I'm at work on a morning every day (and one afternoon) so Henry stays with my mum at her house. They go to a different baby group every day: music class, messy play, toddler group etc. Henry will usually have a 20 minute nap at some point during the morning. When I get back to her house to pick Henry up I have lunch there which is always a treat.

2:00-4:00pm Henry's nap time. I should get some housework or school work done in this time, but the reality is, I very rarely do. Most days I have a nap too or at least a little sit down and chill out on front of the TV. Having an afternoon nap for the past year has meant that despite having a terrible sleeper, I've never really had to live in that horrendous exhausted haze that so many new mummies talk about. Afternoon naps are totally the way forward.

4:00-5:30pm Recently Henry and I have tended to pop out during this time once he's up. We might just pop to the shops for a wander or for some coffee and cake in Starbucks up the road. In the summer we might just go out for a walk or whatever. I really love this time of day and love spending quality time with my little one when I would have previously been working.

5:45pm Tea time. We tend to all eat together, as long as Mr B is home. Henry usually eats the same as us, as long as we're not eating anything too spicy.

6:00-7:30pm Play time. During this time we watch tv, play with toys and read books.

7:30pm Henry has bath time with his Daddy every night. During this time, I tend to run around like an absolute lunatic and get all all the jobs done that I should have done at nap time!

7:45pm Henry's bed time. I tend to take him up to his room and feed him in there before putting him down.

8:00-10:00pm Peace! Adult time. As much as a adore Henry and my life as a mummy, this time is so precious and I love it.

Then we get up and do it all over again! Our routine is totally flexible. I will never be the type of person whose life is governed by a routine and if we want to meet friends on an afternoon, Henry will just have a longer morning nap that day. He's generally such an easy, amenable child, he just goes along with whatever we do. Our routine looks so boring written down like this, but I can't tell you how much I love our very simple life. I love working part time and being able to spend extra quality time with Henry, even if what we get up to isn't hugely exciting!

And day 5 of my advent calendar was a Shu Uemura skin purifying oil which smells amazing!

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