Sunday, 31 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 44

I can't believe this is the last day. I'm so glad I've documented this holiday like this to look back on in the future. This blog is a weird one, I started it primarily for me to look back on with Henry when he's older, but actually there are quite a few people reading it too...I find it hard to get my head around sometimes. Anyway, here is day 44...

We had a lazy morning and then went for a long walk with the dog. Henry had a little snooze in his pushchair and we enjoyed strolling along in the sunshine chatting. We had a takeaway for tea and watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break. The alarm is set for 6am so it's now an early night for us all.

A positive Sunday night

I really thought I'd be feeling the Sunday blues worse than ever tonight but I'm trying to be positive. I feel so lucky to have had an amazing summer, full of adventures, with my beautiful family. I feel grateful for all the days out we've had and realistically, we couldn't afford these treats if I didn't work. I only have 8 weeks to work then we're off to Disneyland, then another 7 weeks and we've booked a week in a cottage for Christmas. We have a really lovely life and I feel grateful for that, I'm grateful that I'm able to work part time and have the best of both worlds too.
So for now, instead of looking back on the summer gone with sadness that it's over, I'm feeling lucky that we had such a perfect time and looking forward to many more exciting family adventures. Going to miss this little one so very much though.

Dear Henry - August 2014

My baby boy,
You're not really a baby anymore, perhaps this letter should be written to my big boy. You've grown up so much this past month, turning into a proper boy and not such a baby. You've started standing up by yourself, you're still crawling all over the place and you can walk holding our hands. You fill every single day with laughter, love and smiles and we love having you so much. You chat away in your babbles all day at the moment, you get louder if you want attention and you even shouted "BOO" to me and Marmar the other day to get us to talk to you rather than one another. You're a cheeky little monkey.
We've had such an amazing August, it's been lovely being off work and spending my whole days with you again. I know Marmar's missed you though and she's looking forward to having you every day again. We've booked to take you to Disneyland Paris in October so at least we have that to look forward to, so going back to work won't be too sad for Mummy.
I can't believe that this is the last letter I'll write to you before you're one. We're having your party at home and we have over 20 people coming, I'm not sure how we'll squeeze them all in! I'm going to make you a chocolate cake in the shape of an owl, a real pigwidgeon cake! It won't have any egg or dairy in it so you can eat it, I couldn't have you not having cake on your first birthday. We've bought you lots of nice new toys and presents, I can't wait to see your little face when you open them. How is my tiny baby boy one already?
You might be growing up quickly but you'll always be my baby. When you're older, try to listen to a song called 'How long will I love you?' by Ellie Goulding, the words tell you everything you need to know. 'How long will I love you? As long as stars are above you. And longer, if I can.'
Mummy xxx

Saturday, 30 August 2014

44 Happy Days of Summer - Day 43

Mr B went to the football today so we went our for lunch and to so some shopping while he was out. All of my work clothes are way too big so I needed some work trousers...needless to say I left the shops with no trousers but with a new dress and winter coat!!
We also had lunch in Wagamama, it was the first time Henry's eaten a meal from there and he loved it. In fact, the whole kids' menu looks fab, can't wait to try a few other things. Henry had the cod cubes with veggies, rice and katsu sauce, he did so well and ate loads. We finished with a tasty cherry ice lolly which he loved, he kept smacking his lips together and fake crying when I took the lolly away! We had pizza for tea at my mum's and I'm now watching Prison Break on my own...Henry is fast asleep in his cot and Mr B is asleep on the sofa after one too many beers at the match!

Goodbye to Summer

The combine harvesters are out, the leaves are beginning to change colour and the nights are drawing can mean only one thing, the end of summer. Not just any summer though, my baby's very first. My very best. It didn't involve a tropical holiday or epic lie ins, we didn't spend much money or travel far, but it was perfect. It was full of family, days out, happiness and so much love. In the last 6 weeks I've marvelled over so many 'firsts' for Henry and just can't get over how much my little one has grown up in such a short amount of time.
I thought the time would fly, but it hasn't. We've been so busy but we've still had time for lazy mornings, lots of nap times snuggled up together and play time, just us. We've been to farms, museums, shops, cafes, restaurants, parks, forests. We've spent precious time with family, the most important thing in our little world.
We might not be the best off financially, we might not drive the best cars or go on the most exotic holidays, but we couldn't feel any luckier or happier than we have been this summer. 

Friday, 29 August 2014

Days out - Hamsterley Forest

We went to Hamsterley Forest for a few hours today to follow the Gruffalo Trail, a celebration of 15 years of The Gruffalo, which is running until 30th September at many Forestry Commission sites across the country. 

As a child, I spent many a happy day in Hamsterley Forest playing rounders and football, climbing trees, making rope swings across the river, building dens, paddling, swimming...all the things you really should be doing in your childhood. There was a period of time where we'd meet my cousins there every single Sunday for a BBQ and we'd play all afternoon leaving the adults to do crosswords and enjoy the peace on the picnic blankets...very happy memories.

It only costs £3 a car for the entire day and if the weather is good, you really can spend hours there. There are loads of bike paths and trails, long river and forest walks, an adventure playground, bike hire and a cafe. The very best news for me is, they even had 'free-from' cakes in the cafe! 

The Gruffalo trail itself wasn't particularly well signposted, there were loads of people at the end confused about where the big wooden statue was, having missed the turning right at the start of the walk. I definitely recommend paying for the map in the shop if you want to find all of the animals in the trees and the big wooden statue of the Gruffalo. Henry loved him!

Overall it's a really lovely day out, I can see us spending lots of time there in the coming years as Henry grows up, and I feel really lucky that we live so close to such a beautiful place.

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 41 and 42

Day 41
Went for a nice walk and to the swing park, then had coffee and cake in a new cafe close by. This clever boy also stood up all by himself for the first time ever.

Day 42
A lovely day out at Hamsterley Forest and Wolsingham. We had a cup of tea in the cafe and then did the Gruffalo trail in Hamsterley Forest, and then went for lunch and to the park in Wolsingham. How are there only two days left of our whole summer holidays?!

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 40

I spent the afternoon at work today so no exciting holiday activities here. I did get lots done and I made sure to appreciate a lovely lazy morning with my little hen before we left this morning. Mr B gets up with Henry on a weekend and so the next lot of lazy mornings I'll have with my little man won't be for a couple of months during October half term, which makes me really sad. By then he'll probably be toddling around, up to mischief, and he might not even want to snuggle in and watch Waybuloo with his mummy like he does at the moment. I just wish it was possible to pause life sometimes.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 39

We had Henry's 9 month development check with the health visitor this morning.  We'll ignore the fact that he's over 11 months...apparently they are understaffed. We finally got a referral to a dietician and allergist for Henry because of his allergies and also a referral for a sight test because one of his eyes occasionally turns in slightly. I'm really thankful to have the NHS at times like this, knowing that we can see specialists without thinking about the cost is amazing. I can't imagine how it must feel to have something wrong with your baby that you can't afford to treat or having to worry about how you'll pay for hospital appointments for your child. Anyway, aside from that he was all good, still tracking the 75th centile for weight and height and she was really happy with his development overall.
Afterwards I popped in to work to assess the damage in my classroom before going in tomorrow to sort it out. We had lunch with my mum then came home for a lovely long nap before Mr B got in. Henry was tired and snuggly tonight and he's now fast asleep so we're about to watch the last 2 episodes of Prison Break (series 2). Can't wait! 

Monday, 25 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 38

We went for a nice long walk with afternoon with the dog and the pushchair. We walked around Derwent Reservoir, a different part to last time but just as peaceful and beautiful. It was pretty nippy but we all wrapped up warm and it was lovely being out in the fresh air with my three boys.

Healthy Weight Challenge - Week 1

I'm not calling this a diet because it isn't. I'd never go on a massive diet whilst breastfeeding, the quality and quantity of my milk is way more important after all. Having said that, I've been eating really badly recently and we've got into some really bad habits with food, particularly after Henry had gone to bed. Pretty much every night would involve sweets or cake, fizzy pop or a glass of wine. Usually this would mean I'd be piling the weight on but luckily breastfeeding seems to be helping a lot and I've been maintaining my weight despite eating pretty badly.
Anyway, we decided last week that enough was enough and we needed to try to be healthier. We're still eating three decent meals a day, I'm still snacking when I feel hungry and I'm certainly not denying myself anything if I want it. This week, for example, I still tucked in to a massive fried breakfast in Ikea, a good few slices of homemade dairy free chocolate cake and a good few other treats as well. On an evening if we've been hungry, we've been snacking on watermelon and pineapple rather than sweets and crisps, and neither of us has had a drop of alcohol. The good news is I lost 5 whole pounds this week! 5 pounds whilst eating cake and fried breakfasts is amazing.
For as long as I can remember I've been overweight...literally speaking, my BMI is in the overweight category. I've tried a million different diets and found losing weight really difficult. That is until I got pregnant, gave birth and breastfed. It turns out that what makes a lot of people pile the weight on actually did the opposite for me which is great. I'm now at my lowest weight that I can remember and more importantly, only 7 pounds away from a 'healthy' BMI. I'm determined to make the most of breastfeeding and lose those last 7 pounds now while it's still so easy. So that's the plan, by Henry's first birthday in 4 weeks time I'd like to be a healthy weight. Like I say, no dieting...just eating healthily and limiting the treats. I'll keep you updated...

Sunday, 24 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 36 & 37

Day 36

We went shopping and for lunch in Hexham before coming home for the afternoon. Once Henry was in bed, Mr B and I had a Prison Break marathon...our favourite programme at the moment!
Watching football on the laptop with Daddy. 

Day 37

A proper Sunday...a gorgeous roast dinner at my mum's before a lazy afternoon at home watching the football and drinking tea. Perfect.
Chocolate cake for pudding at Marmar's.

Why don't you just stop breastfeeding?

Why don't you just stop breastfeeding?

A question I've been asked many times in the last few months. To be fair, people try to be a bit more subtle and ask when I'm thinking about stopping or ask whether I'm missing chocolate or dessert, but I can see that they really don't get it. They don't get why I'd continue to breastfeed when it means I have to say no to dessert, drink black tea in Costa (no cake) and check every packet in the supermarket. To them it's so simple, get some hypoallergenic formula prescribed and whack out the family sized bar of Galaxy.
Of course I miss dessert, I miss goats' cheese and hot chocolate, I miss yogurt on a morning and Parmesan on my pasta, milky coffees and pizza. I fantasise about having a day off our 'diet' and think about what I'd eat. But knowing that my baby is healthy is worth it a million times over, I don't think people fully understand that. It's what being a mummy is all about to me, putting someone else first always, not just when it's convenient.

Ultimately breastmilk is what is best for any baby. Formula, and later pure cows' milk, are a very close second. Cows' milk is very similar to human milk in terms of its fat content and vitamins etc. If Henry didn't have his allergies I wouldn't hesitate in giving him a cup of cows' milk after his first birthday next month. If breastfeeding wasn't practical with going back to work, giving the odd cup of formula wouldn't bother me either. But Henry can't have either of those. Third best is soya formula and I have 2 issues with that...the fact that I'm still not 100% sure that Henry's not allergic to that too, but also the issues I have with the hormone levels in soy. But that's a post for another day. So fourth choice, after breastmilk, cows milk/formula and soy milk is hypoallergenic formula....
Here are the ingredients of one of these formulas that I found online...
Corn Maltodextrin (35%), Casein Hydrolysate [Derived from Milk] (18%), Sugar (15%), High Oleic Safflower Oil (10%), Medium-Chain Triglycerides (10%), Soy Oil (8%). Less than 2% of the Following: C. Cohnii Oil, M. Alpina Oil, Calcium Phosphate, DATEM, Potassium Citrate, Xanthan Gum, Magnesium Chloride, Monoglycerides, Salt, Ascorbic Acid, L-Cystine Dihydrochloride, Calcium Carbonate, L-Tyrosine, Potassium Chloride, Choline Chloride, Ferrous Sulfate, L-Tryptophan, Taurine, m-Inositol, Ascorbyl Palmitate, dl-Alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate, Zinc Sulfate, L-Carnitine, Niacinamide, Mixed Tocopherols, Calcium Pantothenate, Cupric Sulfate, Vitamin A Palmitate, Thiamine Chloride Hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Folic Acid, Potassium Iodide, Potassium Hydroxide, Phylloquinone, Biotin, Sodium Selenate, Vitamin D3, and Cyanocobalamin.

I spend my life cooking organic food for Henry, I don't add salt or sugar and I know that he doesn't eat any additives or rubbish on a daily basis. I have real issues, therefore, in feeding him this formula several times a day when there's no real reason to. Look at how much has been added, not only that, but it still contains dairy and soy, only they've been broken down and processed to such an extent that they're able to be tolerated by babies with allergies. Breastmilk is best for him, as it is for any baby, but I feel particularly strongly that with no 'second best' option, I owe it to Henry to continue to breastfeed him until he's able to tolerate cows' milk or no longer require as much milk in his diet. It's not forever, no dessert for a few more months isn't going to kill me and just imagine how good that bar of Galaxy will taste when I can have it again. It really doesn't bother me, it puzzles me why it bothers other people so much.

So for now we'll continue with the rice milk and vegan cake, the Free From aisle and night time breastfeeds. Please don't feel sorry for us or pity us, I'm beyond grateful that I can do something for my little boy, that I'm able to feed him so easily. He is the most important thing in the world and his health will always come before any slice of chocolate cake, no matter how good it may be.

A reminder of the reaction he had to cows' milk....I'm not just being an overprotective parent here! 

Saturday, 23 August 2014

The Ordinary Moments

Our day is full of totally ordinary moments, things that happen every day and that I sometimes take for granted. I do really try to stop sometimes and just appreciate them, however normal and boring they may be. It might be our morning snuggles watching cartoons, still in a sleepy state, sleep in our eyes and PJs on. It might be an afternoon nap on Mummy's knee rather than in the cot. It might be a snuggle, a smile or a kiss, things that happen every day but are so special nevertheless. I still can't believe how fast this little one is growing up and there'll come a day where he won't want to snuggle on his mummy's knee or have an afternoon nap. One day he'll be horrified by kisses, particularly in front of his friends, and he won't be up at the crack of dawn to watch cartoons with me. These days are so precious, the very best of our life and I'm so determined to take notice of every beautiful ordinary moment.

Friday, 22 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 35

We went to Ikea for breakfast and a look around this morning and then spent the afternoon back at home. Henry's usually a brilliant napper but he's only had 20 minutes today. I would have thought he'd be super miserable but he's been fine actually, in fact he's been in a lovely, smiley mood all day. He's also eaten me out of house and home. So far today he's had cereal for breakfast at home, a second breakfast at Ikea consisting of beans, sausage, bacon and tomatoes, lunch of lamb casserole, cucumber, tomatoes, raspberries, blueberries and Dutch apple cake and then a dinner of Moroccan chicken, watermelon and pineapple. To top it off he had an epic boob feed this afternoon as I tried in vain to get him to sleep! I honestly don't know where he puts it all. All this eating and lack of sleep must be due to some crazy growth spurt or something....I just hope he sleeps tonight!
This is one bitter raspberry!
The face of a child that knows he's won the nap battle!

Thursday, 21 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 34

We spent most of the day at home doing some much needed housework but then met my mum up the road for a coffee and cake this afternoon. Henry played in the little play area, he particularly liked the little cars he could ride around in, although he only worked out how to move backwards!

Henry at 11 Months

11 months is here already. First birthday party preparations are in full swing and I still can't believe how quickly this year has gone. Having said that, I can't remember life without Henry, it seems like we've always had him here with us.

Weight: I haven't had Henry weighed this month but we have an appointment with the health visitor this week so we'll finally get round to it. On our scales at home it says he weighs 23 and a half pounds but they're not the most accurate.

Routine: Henry usually wakes up between 6-7am and then has 2 naps during the day, one around 9am and one after lunch. One of these naps is usually about an hour and a half and the other is a shorter half an hour nap. It doesn't matter which is which, we tend to plan it round whatever we are doing that day. He has a bath at 7:30 then goes straight to bed.

Food: I still can't believe how lucky we are with Henry's eating. He'll eat anything that's put in front of him, he's happy to be spoon fed or feed himself....he's just generally really easy when it comes to food. His favourites this month are Mummy's rainbow couscous, beef casserole, watermelon and raisins. 

Sleep: Henry slept through the night for the first time this month! Amazing. It seemed to be a one off but his sleep has been much better, we've had quite a few nights where he hasn't woken up until 4 or 5am which is very nearly sleeping through the night. Having said that, we've also had some awful nights due to teething and a cold.

Sizes: We are still at that annoying in between stage with clothes, 9-12 is getting very small, but 12-18 is enormous. Babygrows are the worst because he finds the bigger ones really hard to crawl in so we've started dressing him in separate PJ top and bottoms for bed for the time being.


• Henry can now say mama and dada and is constantly babbling, using saying bababa or making funny sounds with his lips. He says 'bang' when he knocks his stacking cups over or when he knocks over his wooden blocks. He growls a lot and also has an awful scream that he does for attention.

• He now has 6 teeth (3 top, 3 bottom), they all seemed to pop through together which meant a few sleepless nights, some very dodgy nappies, a sore bottom and a sad baby! But at least they're through now.

• Henry now puts his hands high in the air when someone asks, 'How big's Henry?' He obviously realises this gets him lots of attention because if we're ignoring him and chatting to one another, he'll put his arms up and wave them around as if to say, "come on, tell me how clever I am!"

• Henry can pull himself up on a flat surface rather than having to have a handle or a ledge. This means that nothing is safe and his favourite game at the moment is crawling over to kitchen cupboards, standing up and opening them. His favourite is the sauce and spices cupboard which he loves to empty.

That's it for this month, I can't believe that the next update will be his 1 year update and that will be the last monthly one I do for a while. This year has just flown by and I've really loved watching our little baby grow into a little boy. He lights up our lives every day and we feel so lucky to have him.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 33

A lovely day out in Newcastle today. We went to the Hancock Museum for a little play and dressy-up fun and then to Carluccio's for lunch. It was our first time there and I was really impressed. They were so accommodating with Henry and the mess that comes along with him and the food was so good too. We had the special fixed price lunch and Henry had a bowl of pasta (as well as tucking into the bread, Marmar's pâté, my bruschetta, rice cakes, watermelon and a biscuit!), we'll definitely be back. Henry was a star for the entire time we were there. I'd like to be smug and think it's because he's been out for dinner so many times now and he knows how to behave...but I think it's probably just that he's at a good age and he was happy just eating the entire time, and particularly enjoyed slurping the long pieces of spaghetti!! Whatever the reason, I'll take it...a relaxing lunch with a baby in a posh restaurant doesn't happen often! 

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 32

After my first full night's sleep in over 20 months, this was bound to be a good day whatever happened! 
After Henry's nap we went shopping with my mum and then went for coffee and a play to the soft play centre up the road. Henry ran (crawled) off some energy, ate his snack and we both had a cuppa. We're making the most of being able to go for free while he's under one but it's not quite as enjoyable in the school holidays as it's usually completely rammed full of hyperactive children....not my idea of fun but Henry loves it and like I say, it's free!  Afterwards we did even more shopping and then had lunch in M&S cafe before coming home for the afternoon.
I've madly been retracing our steps from last night in the hope that Henry might sleep well again tonight. I can dream...

The unthinkable happened....

December 2012 was a memorable month. It was our first Christmas in our new house, the month that our baby was conceived and the last time I had a full night's sleep. For some reason pregnancy meant that I woke up at least once every single night. If it wasn't my squashed  bladder it was my hips hurting, and if it wasn't my hips it was because I was lying awake thinking of all the exciting (but sleepless) times to come. 
Anyway I then gave birth to the world's worst sleeper. The weeks ticked by and I listened to my friends telling me of amazing 12 hour stretches of sleep that their tiny babies were clocking up whilst my little one barely managed two hours in a row. I had to constantly remind myself that I wasn't doing anything wrong but I thought of every reason possible to explain our lack of sleep....most of this thinking was done at 3am. Henry's reflux fully kicked in at 3 months and we went from bad sleep to hideous sleep accompanied by bouts of screaming from a sad little baby. A full night's sleep seemed a very long way off, and it was.
When Henry was tiny my mum would send me a text every morning asking how our night had been. I'd then respond telling her how many wake ups we'd had or how long our longest stretch of sleep had been. I dreamt of the day then I'd be able to send her a text telling her that we'd slept all night long. Well I am about to send that text message...
Yes, you read that correctly....for the first time in 20 months I had a full night's sleep. I could sing it from the rooftops, I never thought this day would actually come. Henry went down at 7:30, woke for a feed just after we'd gone up at 11pm and then slept until 6am which meant that I slept for a whole 7 hours without waking up. If someone had told me a couple of years ago that I'd be happy with 7 hours sleep and being woken up at 6am I would have laughed in their face, but I am ecstatic!! You might even be reading this and wondering what the fuss is all about, but let me tell you that after approximately 600 nights of being woken whole night's sleep feels like I've won the lottery.
I'm under no illusion that this will happen again. I may not get another night like this for another 20 months, my son is a fan of keeping his mummy on her toes! But I now know he can do it and we'll get there one day. Now I'm off to dance around the kitchen while I make our breakfasts and Mr B's lunch for work...after all I have plenty energy to burn today!

Monday, 18 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 31

We had a lovely quiet day today. Henry is now at such a lovely age where he'll happily play with toys for quite a while and so we played together with his train and stacking cups this morning. I say that he likes to play....he also likes to open the sauce and spices cupboard in the kitchen and take everything out....I can't count the amount of times I've stopped him today with "ah ah ah" I'm hoping the message sinks in soon! After a nap (for Henry) and TV catchup (for me), we went round to my mum's for a few hours. Henry adores his Marmar and it's nice for him to get out and play with different toys in different surroundings. I always feel like he gets really bored if we just stay in all day. A really lovely, relaxing day.


I spent Henry's nap time today sitting on the sofa snuggling him and catching up on One Born Every Minute. I absolutely love that programme but it makes me beyond broody every week...sitting cuddling a gorgeous sleepy baby definitely didn't help matters!!
Broodiness is such a funny thing, a human instinct necessary for the survival of the species I suppose. Without it we'd probably all only have one baby. After all, there's rarely a sensible, good time to have a baby. Number of bedrooms, size of cars, childcare costs, overdraft limits would all limit the number of big families, luckily broodiness is there to overrule them all.
My sensible head tells me I want at least a 3 year age gap between babies, possibly more. I want to appreciate every minute of Henry growing up and be able to give him all my attention during these precious years. I don't want to have to wean him because I'm planning on feeding another baby, and actually I'd quite like a few years off feeling like a prize dairy cow before my next boob monster is born. I'd like to wear normal bras without feeding clips and more importantly, I'd like to catch up on the sleep that I've missed out on for the past year.
I loved the newborn days with Henry and hope to enjoy them again with baby number two. I definitely wouldn't get any naps or relaxing afternoon snuggles if I had 2 babies under 2. The plan is once Henry is in nursery or school, I'll be able to devote plenty of time to the new baby and enjoy lazy days just like I did with Henry when he was tiny.
Financially it makes sense to wait, we'd like a bigger house and I'd like to save some money so I can have lots of time off work again like I did this time around. We've only just gone back to 2 proper incomes again so we should be making the most of that while we can.
Pregnancy was also an absolute bitch. I remember lying on the floor of our en-suite feeling like death after being sick, and vowing to never ever have another baby. I remember the agony of my hips at the end and the tears I cried when I felt hot and heavy every night after work. But despite all these things all I think about is the amazing feeling of feeling my precious baby kick, stroking my enormous belly and holding my baby for the very first time. I'm so deluded I even told Mr B this week I'd rather be in labour than be suffering from this cold that I have! I really have lost the plot.
I have absolutely no desire to have another baby now, there is no reason why we'll have another baby before 2016....apart from this bloody broodiness which keeps raising her unwelcome head recently!! Hopefully I'll manage to keep her suppressed until the end of next year at the very least. And to any friends reading this....please stop having gorgeous baby bumps and perfect babies for me to snuggle, this definitely doesn't help matters!!

Sunday, 17 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 30

Henry went to his first ever 1st birthday party today. He wore his posh shirt and there was cake, party bags and balloons, what could be better? He loved playing with his little friends and we just couldn't get over the fact that our beautiful babies are so grown up all of a sudden. Henry has been in such a snuggly mood today which I've loved. I don't think he's feeling 100% still and I'm certainly not so it's an early night for us all.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 29

Both Henry and I are loaded with cold so we have another PJ day today. I'm getting a bit stir crazy so I really hope we're both feeling better in the morning so we can get out tomorrow. 
On a brighter note my little boy has been a little sweetheart all day long. He's let me lie on the sofa and has happily played on his own or with his Daddy. At one point I looked down earlier and he had a book in front of him and he was looking at it all by himself, so adorable. Then a while later I heard him 'chatting' away and looked down to find him lying resting his head on George and talking away to melted my heart.

Friday, 15 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 28

We've been really busy for the entire time I've been off work so far, so decided that today was officially PJ day in our house. When we got up we changed into fresh pyjamas, we had breakfast and for the rest of the day we've snuggled, watched tv, napped, played games, sang songs, it was perfect. Henry has a cold and I seem to be coming down with it too so today was just what we needed.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 27

A really relaxing, adult day for a change. I went to meet one of my friends from university in York for lunch today. I made the most of the quiet train journey with a magazine, my Kindle and a caramel soy was heavenly. We then had a wander round York, a long leisurely lunch, a quiet cuppa and then it was time to come home. My mum had Henry for the day which I really appreciated. He's got a nasty cold though so needs plenty of cuddles and milk tonight from his mummy, poor baby boy.

Would you rather...a sleeper or a snuggler?

If you had to choose between a child that slept for 12 hours every night or a child that loved snuggles, which would you choose?
Henry is a rubbish sleeper but he's an amazing snuggler. At least once a day we have cuddles on the sofa and he often puts his arms round my neck and gives me a big squeeze at random times throughout the day. I absolutely adore these moments and I'm so glad he's a cuddly child. One of my nephews is an amazingly cuddly child too and he's always looking for cuddles and kisses which we all really love. He gives proper squeezes and smooches and I hope Henry will still be like that in a few years. I know a lot of people who have babies that don't like to cuddle or won't sit still for long enough anyway. I'd really miss it if Henry was like this. It's not just me he likes to cuddle in to, he does it with his daddy and Marmar too and they love it as much as me. Often when Henry wakes up in the night I cuddle him in, breathe his divine smell and kiss his tired eyelids. I love these moments so much and if I had a sleeper, I wouldn't have them, so maybe the sleepless nights are worth it for the snuggles alone. 
So I might complain about the serious lack of sleep, but I wouldn't swap my snuggler for a sleeper any day. 

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 26

Henry was wide awake at 5:15am this morning. I dragged myself out of bed but our morning started off well, despite the hideous time! Because he was so tired, he snuggled into me and we watched The Gruffalo together for half an hour, under the blanket on the sofa. The house was quiet, he was warm and toasty in his PJs, he smelt of sleep and I loved every minute of our snuggle. He was then shattered at 7:30am so we both went back to bed and ended up sleeping for another couple of hours.
We then met my friend and her little boy for coffee and cake and then went to Marmar's for lunch. This afternoon we went for a nice walk to the park with my mum and nephew and had just parked the pram at the huge paddling pool for the boys to go for a splash when the heavens opened! We got soaked, so home for hot chocolate and cake it was. 

Birchbox review - August 2014

I was super excited to receive my dispatch email from Birchbox a couple of days ago and arrived home to find that it had been delivered earlier today while I was out. After last month's fab box I had high expectations, but I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed with this month's goodies. You can read last month's review here. Here's what I got this month...

Whish - Lavender body butter
This body butter smells amazing, it's not like an 'old granny's underwear drawer' lavender smell, it's really sweet and I can't wait to use it after my shower later. It retails at £14.50 though which I think is very expensive for a body lotion so I probably won't repurchase this unless it works absolute miracles on my skin.

Wild about Beauty - Creme eyeshadow
This is a shade of eyeshadow I'll definitely use. I always use my Urban Decay Naked 2 palette so I might try and use this alongside that. The packaging is really pretty too. The creme texture is really nice and it seems to go on easily so I'm looking forward to properly trying this out and seeing how long it lasts throughout the day.

Number 4 - Super comb prep and protect
I use straighteners on my hair every day, so it's always handy to have a protective spray. Although I'll get use out of this product, it's not the most exciting thing to receive and the packaging isn't great either.

Vasanti - Brighten Up! Face rejuvenator
This is an facial exfoliator that is supposed to give a renewed and refreshed complexion. I definitely need that after the sleepless nights I've had recently with my teething baby, but again it's not the most exciting product or particularly nice packaging or anything.

Supergoop! - Daily Correct SPF 35 CC Cream
I don't think I'll end up using this CC cream to be honest. I really like my current foundation and BB cream and both have them contain a decent SPF already. My skin tans pretty easily and it's not like there's much burning sun to contend with in England right now, so I'm not really looking for a higher SPF product.

The Proposal by Tasmina Perry - This month's lifestyle sample is a massive disappointment after the chia shots which I received last month (and have repurchased twice so far). It's a book sample, just the first of my biggest bugbears in life! I LOVE reading, I LOVE a book I can't put down. I do not want to read 1 chapter and then get hooked and not be able to read on. Maybe it's just me, other people might love this idea but to me it's just annoying so I won't be reading this. God I sound so miserable don't I!?

As well as the items is a free Birchbox wash bag. It's really cute and will be useful for a few small items. I could probably use it in my baby bag for our toiletry items actually, as it's too small to use for make up.

I think the issue with this box is none of the brands really excite me. Aside from the eyeshadow, the packaging is really dull too...that's pretty shallow of me but I'm a sucker for anything in a pretty bottle! Like I say though, I'll get good use out of 4 of the products so it's not a complete waste. Hopefully next month will be a bit more exciting.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 25

We had a quiet morning in this morning. Henry played while I did loads of cooking to fill the freezer. We went shopping with my mum and nephew this afternoon. We stopped for coffee and cake and then came home to wait for Mr B. It's been a lovely, quiet day with lots of smiles and giggles from my little boy, what more could I want?

Baby recipe - Moroccan chicken with couscous

Henry loves couscous and dried fruit so I decided to try and make him some kind of Moroccan dish with some spices in too. He loves all food and likes strong flavours so I thought it was worth a go. It turned out really well, better than I imagined. Here's the recipe:

125g minced chicken or turkey thigh
1 small tin of chickpeas 
3 tablespoons of raisins, roughly chopped 
6 dried apricots, finely chopped
1 carrot, peeled and diced
1 small potato, peeled and diced
300ml fresh chicken stock
3 fresh basil leaves, finely chopped 
75g couscous 
Half a teaspoon cinnamon
Half a teaspoon ground cumin
Half a teaspoon ginger 
Olive oil

•Gently fry the mince and spices in olive oil for 2 or 3 minutes until cooked. 
•Add the carrot, potato and chickpeas and cook for a further 2 minutes.
•Add the raisins, apricots, basil leaves and chicken stock and simmer for 15 minutes until everything is cooked through.
•Using a hand blender, blend according to your child's age and how lumpy they like their food. Even if your child can handle big lumps it's worth blitzing it down slightly or even mashing it a little to thicken up the sauce.
•Stir through the couscous. Cover for 10 minutes and then stir well before serving or freezing.

Monday, 11 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 24

We went to Jumbo Jungle this morning, a soft play centre close to home. The last time Henry went was 4 weeks ago and wow, what a difference in those 4 weeks! He is now crawling so quickly and where he used to cruise slowly along the soft edges of the play area, he now climbs over head first. He used to sit and watch the bigger children climbing everywhere, but today he was climbing with them. He really enjoyed it and it was so lovely watching him. I know he's just an average baby and I certainly don't think he's particularly advanced or special...but I still think he's amazing!
After a nice nap, Marmar and Henry's cousin Zach came round for cake and we decided to go out for tea as a treat once Mr B was home. Henry and Zach were both so well behaved again, we were really proud of them. Henry's now bathed and asleep and we are now getting ready to watch the final 2 episodes of Prison Break, can't wait!!

Sunday, 10 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 22 and 23

Day 22
We drove to York to stay with some friends for the night which was lovely. We went to an amazing tapas restaurant and ate so many tasty tapas and paella too, such a treat. We then went home, put Henry to bed, sat and drank wine and put the world to you do with old friends. A really lovely night.

Day 23
After a leisurely breakfast, we went for a wander round York Designer Outlet and then drove home. We called in at my Mum's for a roast dinner and then came home and hibernated from the hideous weather in our PJs. A perfect way to end a lovely weekend.

Friday, 8 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 21

We spent the afternoon with our mummy and baby friends in the park today. I'm so grateful to have 3 lovely friends with 3 gorgeous boys to share this crazy parenting journey with. We all get on really well and there's only 5 weeks between all 4 boys which is lovely, as they're always at a similar stage developmentally. We also have 4 1st birthdays to celebrate in the next few weeks which is exciting too. Henry loved the swings and the slide today, he's at an age now where he really enjoys a trip to the park. We had a tasty Chinese for tea tonight and I'm planning an early night in bed with my book and a hot chocolate...lovely!