Friday, 1 August 2014

Pay Day Treat Day

Wahoo pay day has been and gone for another month. This month we treated ourselves to lots of new photographs for our house. I posted a few weeks back about a photoshoot that we had done with Henry and Henry's Parpar kindly bought us the images on USB so we could print them however and as often as we liked. If you have been to our house you'll know that there are photos everywhere, I really love having pictures of loved ones around the place and photos to remind us of amazing memories....the only problem is we've been so busy this year that there are virtually none of Henry! The only ones I've managed to put up are the Bounty prints that we had done in the hospital when he was a day old. It's something I've been meaning to do for ages so decided this month was the month to do it.

We have photos going right up our first set of stairs, but none on the second, so I bought lots of black frames to fill with photos so we could do something similar  there. We also bought a large framed print of Henry for our lounge wall and another special frame for the bathroom too. I love them!

I would have liked to have had them up on the wall for the photos for the blog but we realised that we have no picture hooks in the house, so that's a job for next week! I'll update this post when we eventually get round to it.

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