Monday, 18 August 2014


I spent Henry's nap time today sitting on the sofa snuggling him and catching up on One Born Every Minute. I absolutely love that programme but it makes me beyond broody every week...sitting cuddling a gorgeous sleepy baby definitely didn't help matters!!
Broodiness is such a funny thing, a human instinct necessary for the survival of the species I suppose. Without it we'd probably all only have one baby. After all, there's rarely a sensible, good time to have a baby. Number of bedrooms, size of cars, childcare costs, overdraft limits would all limit the number of big families, luckily broodiness is there to overrule them all.
My sensible head tells me I want at least a 3 year age gap between babies, possibly more. I want to appreciate every minute of Henry growing up and be able to give him all my attention during these precious years. I don't want to have to wean him because I'm planning on feeding another baby, and actually I'd quite like a few years off feeling like a prize dairy cow before my next boob monster is born. I'd like to wear normal bras without feeding clips and more importantly, I'd like to catch up on the sleep that I've missed out on for the past year.
I loved the newborn days with Henry and hope to enjoy them again with baby number two. I definitely wouldn't get any naps or relaxing afternoon snuggles if I had 2 babies under 2. The plan is once Henry is in nursery or school, I'll be able to devote plenty of time to the new baby and enjoy lazy days just like I did with Henry when he was tiny.
Financially it makes sense to wait, we'd like a bigger house and I'd like to save some money so I can have lots of time off work again like I did this time around. We've only just gone back to 2 proper incomes again so we should be making the most of that while we can.
Pregnancy was also an absolute bitch. I remember lying on the floor of our en-suite feeling like death after being sick, and vowing to never ever have another baby. I remember the agony of my hips at the end and the tears I cried when I felt hot and heavy every night after work. But despite all these things all I think about is the amazing feeling of feeling my precious baby kick, stroking my enormous belly and holding my baby for the very first time. I'm so deluded I even told Mr B this week I'd rather be in labour than be suffering from this cold that I have! I really have lost the plot.
I have absolutely no desire to have another baby now, there is no reason why we'll have another baby before 2016....apart from this bloody broodiness which keeps raising her unwelcome head recently!! Hopefully I'll manage to keep her suppressed until the end of next year at the very least. And to any friends reading this....please stop having gorgeous baby bumps and perfect babies for me to snuggle, this definitely doesn't help matters!!

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