Thursday 21 August 2014

Henry at 11 Months

11 months is here already. First birthday party preparations are in full swing and I still can't believe how quickly this year has gone. Having said that, I can't remember life without Henry, it seems like we've always had him here with us.

Weight: I haven't had Henry weighed this month but we have an appointment with the health visitor this week so we'll finally get round to it. On our scales at home it says he weighs 23 and a half pounds but they're not the most accurate.

Routine: Henry usually wakes up between 6-7am and then has 2 naps during the day, one around 9am and one after lunch. One of these naps is usually about an hour and a half and the other is a shorter half an hour nap. It doesn't matter which is which, we tend to plan it round whatever we are doing that day. He has a bath at 7:30 then goes straight to bed.

Food: I still can't believe how lucky we are with Henry's eating. He'll eat anything that's put in front of him, he's happy to be spoon fed or feed himself....he's just generally really easy when it comes to food. His favourites this month are Mummy's rainbow couscous, beef casserole, watermelon and raisins. 

Sleep: Henry slept through the night for the first time this month! Amazing. It seemed to be a one off but his sleep has been much better, we've had quite a few nights where he hasn't woken up until 4 or 5am which is very nearly sleeping through the night. Having said that, we've also had some awful nights due to teething and a cold.

Sizes: We are still at that annoying in between stage with clothes, 9-12 is getting very small, but 12-18 is enormous. Babygrows are the worst because he finds the bigger ones really hard to crawl in so we've started dressing him in separate PJ top and bottoms for bed for the time being.


• Henry can now say mama and dada and is constantly babbling, using saying bababa or making funny sounds with his lips. He says 'bang' when he knocks his stacking cups over or when he knocks over his wooden blocks. He growls a lot and also has an awful scream that he does for attention.

• He now has 6 teeth (3 top, 3 bottom), they all seemed to pop through together which meant a few sleepless nights, some very dodgy nappies, a sore bottom and a sad baby! But at least they're through now.

• Henry now puts his hands high in the air when someone asks, 'How big's Henry?' He obviously realises this gets him lots of attention because if we're ignoring him and chatting to one another, he'll put his arms up and wave them around as if to say, "come on, tell me how clever I am!"

• Henry can pull himself up on a flat surface rather than having to have a handle or a ledge. This means that nothing is safe and his favourite game at the moment is crawling over to kitchen cupboards, standing up and opening them. His favourite is the sauce and spices cupboard which he loves to empty.

That's it for this month, I can't believe that the next update will be his 1 year update and that will be the last monthly one I do for a while. This year has just flown by and I've really loved watching our little baby grow into a little boy. He lights up our lives every day and we feel so lucky to have him.

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