Monday 18 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 31

We had a lovely quiet day today. Henry is now at such a lovely age where he'll happily play with toys for quite a while and so we played together with his train and stacking cups this morning. I say that he likes to play....he also likes to open the sauce and spices cupboard in the kitchen and take everything out....I can't count the amount of times I've stopped him today with "ah ah ah" I'm hoping the message sinks in soon! After a nap (for Henry) and TV catchup (for me), we went round to my mum's for a few hours. Henry adores his Marmar and it's nice for him to get out and play with different toys in different surroundings. I always feel like he gets really bored if we just stay in all day. A really lovely, relaxing day.

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