Tuesday, 19 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 32

After my first full night's sleep in over 20 months, this was bound to be a good day whatever happened! 
After Henry's nap we went shopping with my mum and then went for coffee and a play to the soft play centre up the road. Henry ran (crawled) off some energy, ate his snack and we both had a cuppa. We're making the most of being able to go for free while he's under one but it's not quite as enjoyable in the school holidays as it's usually completely rammed full of hyperactive children....not my idea of fun but Henry loves it and like I say, it's free!  Afterwards we did even more shopping and then had lunch in M&S cafe before coming home for the afternoon.
I've madly been retracing our steps from last night in the hope that Henry might sleep well again tonight. I can dream...

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