Saturday, 30 August 2014

Goodbye to Summer

The combine harvesters are out, the leaves are beginning to change colour and the nights are drawing can mean only one thing, the end of summer. Not just any summer though, my baby's very first. My very best. It didn't involve a tropical holiday or epic lie ins, we didn't spend much money or travel far, but it was perfect. It was full of family, days out, happiness and so much love. In the last 6 weeks I've marvelled over so many 'firsts' for Henry and just can't get over how much my little one has grown up in such a short amount of time.
I thought the time would fly, but it hasn't. We've been so busy but we've still had time for lazy mornings, lots of nap times snuggled up together and play time, just us. We've been to farms, museums, shops, cafes, restaurants, parks, forests. We've spent precious time with family, the most important thing in our little world.
We might not be the best off financially, we might not drive the best cars or go on the most exotic holidays, but we couldn't feel any luckier or happier than we have been this summer. 

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