Sunday, 31 August 2014

Dear Henry - August 2014

My baby boy,
You're not really a baby anymore, perhaps this letter should be written to my big boy. You've grown up so much this past month, turning into a proper boy and not such a baby. You've started standing up by yourself, you're still crawling all over the place and you can walk holding our hands. You fill every single day with laughter, love and smiles and we love having you so much. You chat away in your babbles all day at the moment, you get louder if you want attention and you even shouted "BOO" to me and Marmar the other day to get us to talk to you rather than one another. You're a cheeky little monkey.
We've had such an amazing August, it's been lovely being off work and spending my whole days with you again. I know Marmar's missed you though and she's looking forward to having you every day again. We've booked to take you to Disneyland Paris in October so at least we have that to look forward to, so going back to work won't be too sad for Mummy.
I can't believe that this is the last letter I'll write to you before you're one. We're having your party at home and we have over 20 people coming, I'm not sure how we'll squeeze them all in! I'm going to make you a chocolate cake in the shape of an owl, a real pigwidgeon cake! It won't have any egg or dairy in it so you can eat it, I couldn't have you not having cake on your first birthday. We've bought you lots of nice new toys and presents, I can't wait to see your little face when you open them. How is my tiny baby boy one already?
You might be growing up quickly but you'll always be my baby. When you're older, try to listen to a song called 'How long will I love you?' by Ellie Goulding, the words tell you everything you need to know. 'How long will I love you? As long as stars are above you. And longer, if I can.'
Mummy xxx

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