Wednesday, 13 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 26

Henry was wide awake at 5:15am this morning. I dragged myself out of bed but our morning started off well, despite the hideous time! Because he was so tired, he snuggled into me and we watched The Gruffalo together for half an hour, under the blanket on the sofa. The house was quiet, he was warm and toasty in his PJs, he smelt of sleep and I loved every minute of our snuggle. He was then shattered at 7:30am so we both went back to bed and ended up sleeping for another couple of hours.
We then met my friend and her little boy for coffee and cake and then went to Marmar's for lunch. This afternoon we went for a nice walk to the park with my mum and nephew and had just parked the pram at the huge paddling pool for the boys to go for a splash when the heavens opened! We got soaked, so home for hot chocolate and cake it was. 

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