Tuesday, 26 August 2014

44 Happy Summer Days - Day 39

We had Henry's 9 month development check with the health visitor this morning.  We'll ignore the fact that he's over 11 months...apparently they are understaffed. We finally got a referral to a dietician and allergist for Henry because of his allergies and also a referral for a sight test because one of his eyes occasionally turns in slightly. I'm really thankful to have the NHS at times like this, knowing that we can see specialists without thinking about the cost is amazing. I can't imagine how it must feel to have something wrong with your baby that you can't afford to treat or having to worry about how you'll pay for hospital appointments for your child. Anyway, aside from that he was all good, still tracking the 75th centile for weight and height and she was really happy with his development overall.
Afterwards I popped in to work to assess the damage in my classroom before going in tomorrow to sort it out. We had lunch with my mum then came home for a lovely long nap before Mr B got in. Henry was tired and snuggly tonight and he's now fast asleep so we're about to watch the last 2 episodes of Prison Break (series 2). Can't wait! 

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