Friday 7 March 2014

I love our days

I just love my days with my baby boy. He's growing so fast and I'm making the most of every second I have with him before going back to work. 
Today we had a morning nap together (bad night!) and then met friends for lunch in town. We then came home and had an afternoon nap together (like I said...bad night!).
I don't care that we were up every hour in the night, I don't care that he grabbed the end of my knife at lunch and I ended up with tomato pasta sauce all down my white top, I don't care that he was overtired and cross and therefore making the beef casserole for dinner was more stressful than it should be. I just don't care about any of these things, I love spending my days, just me and him. These quiet, normal, sleep-deprived days are the very best of my life. I wish they could last forever.

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