Tuesday 4 March 2014

Tesco Classics

I always tell my husband off for buying presents in Tesco. You know the type of thing; dodgy soap sets, overpriced Mothers' Day chocolates, a spice rack set....I could go on. We call this kind of gift a 'Tesco Classic' in our house! Just generally overpriced, unthoughtful gifts. 

Today, however, Tesco did well! Mr B came back with some gorgeous long stemmed lillies and a new treat to try. I was a happy lady with Tesco Classics for once!
This popcorn is DIVINE! It's slightly salty with really sweet cinnamon, and together they are sooo good. I could eat the whole bag but I'm resisting because I want to enjoy my pancakes that we're having for tea in an hour. Will update with some Barker pancake pics tomorrow.

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