Sunday, 30 March 2014

To my Muma on Mothers' Day

To my Muma,

In this year that I have also become a Muma, I have understood more about you. I have appreciated you like never before and loved you more than ever.

I finally understand the pain you must have felt to see me cry every day for a whole term when you dropped me off at infant school and how upset you must have been to drop me off at university, many years later.

I understand why you always corrected my grammar and went on about pleases and thank yous. 

I understand why you wouldn't buy us the best trainers or most expensive coats and why you wouldn't let us go into town on our own when we were too young.

I understand why that dress was too short or those shoes too high. That make up too orange and that curfew too late.

I understand how hard it must have been for you to never be able to do the school run but I appreciate more than ever how hard you worked for us.

I understand the pain you must have felt to see me cry over the years and the indescribable worry you must have felt during my operations and illnesses, however minor they were.

I finally understand why you told me 'no' when you did and also when you let me learn by doing it my way, no matter how strongly you disagreed.

Just know that you are my hero and I love you so much.

Happy Mothers' Day Muma xxx

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