Friday, 14 March 2014

The best advice I was given....

You've all heard it before, "sleep when the baby sleeps" and I've done just that for almost 6 months. I couldn't have done without my morning or afternoon naps since Henry's arrived. Yes, my house is probably in need of a good dust and I should really defrost my freezer, but those things can wait just a little bit longer. 
I'm so glad I got round to doing some serious cleaning when I was 'nesting' before he arrived when I was on maternity leave. Every inch of carpet was hoovered, every skirting board was dusted. It's meant that I don't feel too bad at not doing those things now. Obviously the basics are always done, the carpet is always hoovered, bathrooms are always clean and the washing is done. But for now I'm going to enjoy the peace on an afternoon at nap time and have a rest, my other jobs will have to wait.

My nap time partner today 

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