Wednesday 5 March 2014

Shrove Tuesday

Last night we had pancakes for dinner. They were so yummy, we really should eat them more than once a year!

One thing I don't understand is how they make the kitchen such a mess. Ours was spotless before I started cooking and it looked like a bomb had dropped afterwards. Luckily Mr B was on washing up duty so I didn't have to sort it out.

I love strawberry jam on pancakes and Mr B had banana and melted chocolate and then a good old classic, lemon and sugar. We used Jamie Oliver's super easy recipe, 1 cup flour, 1 cup milk, 1 egg and a pinch of salt. So simple.

I haven't given anything up for lent this year...I couldn't think of anything that I could do. I'm loving my food at the moment because of breastfeeding and I want to make the most of eating all the calories without putting weight on, so giving up chocolate or crisps was a big no no! Maybe I could say I've given up sleep, Henry doesn't appear to be a big fan of sleep still, so there's still not much sleep happening in our household!

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