As far as Mondays go, this one was pretty much perfect. Mr B is off all week so we decided to go out to the farm with Henry after his morning nap. We've never really been anywhere like the farm as a family of 3, Henry's only really just got to an age where he's interested in animals so we decided he would probably like it. Turns out he LOVED it, he was grinning and giggling at the animals, shouting and making noises during the tractor ride and just generally being an absolute star the entire time. He was so good, we saw so many different animals, fed the sheep and goats, held a guinea pig, bottle fed a lamb, had a ride on the tractor, laughed when Daddy got spat on by a llama, had a picnic outside, had ice lollies when we were hot...all amazing memories. We went to Hall Hill Farm which is a few miles away from our house and Henry is free until he's 2 so we'll definitely be making the most of that for the next year.
After we came home Henry had a really short nap which is totally unlike him. Rather than battle to get him back to sleep I just got him up and we played in the garden. It's been such a gorgeous sunny day so we filled up the paddling pool and he loved splashing around for an hour or so. He loves being outdoors and it's lovely that the weather is nice so we are able to make the most of it. George had serious paddling pool envy though, I could tell that he couldn't wait to jump in!!
Henry then had a better nap and after he woke up my mum came round and Mr B cooked a paella in the garden. I wish I'd taken more photos but I was starving by the time it was ready and it was long gone before I thought about a photo for my blog. Oh well.
I'm looking forward to the rest of our week, let's hope the weather stays like it was today so we can spend lots of time outside.
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