Thursday, 31 July 2014

Dear Henry - July 2014

My beautiful little boy, 
Another month has gone by and I love you so much more every time I write to you. We have loved this month with you, definitely our favourite so far. You've learnt so many new tricks and you're really showing a little personality which we just love. When you were born I adored you, really adored you. The reason I loved you was simply because you were my baby, the one I'd waited all my life to meet. But now I love you so much more because I love you, the little character that you've become. I love all your crazy noises and babbles, your funny faces and your wrinkly nose when you smile. I love the grin I get first thing on a morning and the cuddles you give me when you're upset, the way you shovel food into your little mouth and your gorgeous little piglet face when you are having 'milkies' on a night time. I wouldn't swap you for the world, you are absolutely perfect.

This month you've learnt to crawl properly and you're picking up speed day by day. You can pull yourself up and walk holding our hands. You just want to be off exploring and it's so lovely to see. Mummy is off for her 6 weeks holidays and I am loving spending all my days with you again, I didn't realise how much I missed it. 

Your cousin Mia has been staying at Marmar's this week and you adore her. You've spent the week giggling and smiling at all her funny faces and silly noises she's been doing to make you laugh. We've been to lots of nice places recently too, Daddy was off work last week so we went to the farm and swimming, had lots of tasty lunches and dinners out and lots of lovely walks. You have been so well behaved this month, a real pleasure. When we went our for lunch last week 3 separate people came over to tell us how well behaved you'd been. You have developed a pretty irritating scream though that you do for attention, we aren't sure whether it's best to tell you 'no' in a firm voice or completely ignore it...I'm just hoping it's a phase that won't last long!

We have another whole month off together and we have lots of lovely plans. You have your first ever birthday party to go to in a couple of weeks; your friend Adam's. Mummy will have to buy you a special party outfit because lots of your friends are turning one soon. We are also going to stay in York with Dan and Amy and going to Essex this weekend to see Auntie Amy, Uncle Jon and your lovely cousins. Our friend Seb and his doggy Genie are coming to stay with us, you will love having another doggy in the house. George is your best pal at the moment, you think he's so funny and you're constantly chasing after his bone to tease him with. He loves you too, it's adorable watching you two together.

Anyway my beautiful boy, that's it for this month. I'm so excited to spend the whole of August doing lots of exciting things, we'll have plenty of quiet afternoons too for snuggles, Mummy's favourite time of the day is afternoon nap time when we can snuggle up together.

I love you so much sweetheart, more than you'll ever know.
Mummy xxx

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