Saturday, 11 January 2014

10 things that make me happy...

1. Spending time with this crazy lot.

2. Cold walks on the beach with George....preferably Brancaster beach but it's a long old drive!

3. This gorgeous smiling face, his cheeky laugh and his beautiful smell. Wish I could bottle it up.

4. Date nights with my hubby

5. Cooking and baking....eating the treats afterwards isn't bad either!

6. Summer holidays. I love sunbathing, eating and drinking. I have a feeling our summer holidays won't be as relaxing anymore but I'm sure they'll be just as fun.

7. Flowers. I know they're expensive and I know that they die quickly but I just love them, they make me smile :-)

8. Champagne. You can't be depressed when you drink champagne, it's such a happy drink! Prosecco is a close second.

9. Handbags and shoes. Mulberry and Louboutins if we are being very specific but anything beautiful makes me happy.

10. Sleep! This had become a distant memory but there's nothing I love more than a nap.

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