Thursday, 30 January 2014

The one where I realise that I no longer matter...

A strange thing happened today. I felt like a proper mum. I am no longer a selfish individual, I am Mummy and will therefore always come second. The weird thing is I'm totally fine with it, it was just a strange realisation.

My brother had got me a cup final ticket for Wembley, I was excited to go, couldn't wait even. The plan was to stay in a hotel on the Saturday night then Mr B was going to have Henry for me while I was in the ground, but he was going to stay close in case of emergency feeds! We would then drive back Sunday night so Mr B was here for work on Monday. 

Then today I realised 2 things:

1) I couldn't justify spending £200+ on a weekend now that I'm only on statutory maternity pay. We are cutting back everywhere else and it'd be totally selfish of me to spend that in one weekend. Mr B thinks I should still go and we'll work it out but the new and improved, sensible adult in me can't do it. £200 is a lot of money, it could mean I can go back to work a little later than I planned or mean we don't have to say no if friends are meeting up and we can't afford to go.

2) The whole weekend would be crap for Henry. A long drive, staying in a travel cot in a hotel, new routine, being walked/driven around while Mummy is at the football and then potentially being fed on a wall outside the stadium if he's hungry (don't get me started on Wembley's licensing/breastfeeding policy !), a long drive home at bedtime...the list goes on. He'd be so much happier at home, and because I am still feeding him exclusively, he has to be where I am. That means I will be at home with him.

I have years ahead of me where I will want to spend my weekends with him and he'll be off playing football or out with friends or girlfriends. So I've made the decision that I'm going to make the most of my weekend at home with my boy. I'm not sure what we'll do yet but whatever it'll be will be great, because at the end of the day, we are both happiest when we are together.

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