Thursday, 16 January 2014

Then and Now...

Looking at the pictures last night of just how much my beautiful son has grown in the past 17 weeks, I got thinking about how much I too, have changed. Apart from the obvious things like i now fill my day with nappy changes, feeds and entertaining Henry...there are a few things that differ between how I was as a parent of a week old baby and how I am now.

In week one, ALL of Henry's outfits matched. If something had come in a set, he would wear the whole of that set...bib, hat, the lot! These days I'm lucky if I can find a vaguely similar vest that matches the dungarees. The amount of washing that a tiny boy can create is astounding...I still can't get my head around it. Maybe it's to prepare me for the years ahead of washing muddy rugby kit and football boots all weekend!

In week one I was so desperate to bring out all of the things we'd bought for Henry to look at and play with. He wasn't vaguely interested in any of them and to be honest, still much prefers a wooden spoon and the bells that he discovered on the christmas tree last month! Yesterday he was sat in his baby snug chair playing with a tangerine, silicone egg poacher, wooden spoon, bells from the tree and one of his socks....I kid you not.

In week one if Henry was sick at all, even the tiniest drop, it'd mean an outfit change for both of us. Now, if it can be wiped with a muslin and it doesn't smell, I'm very much of the opinion that it'll dry in no time at all and the clothes will be fine until the evening. Why make unnecessary washing?

In the past 17 weeks I have learnt where every baby change and feeding room is across the north east. I'll never forget having a screaming baby walking aimlessly through Debenhams trying to find their feeding room or at least a member of staff I could ask! Now I'm a pro, I can sniff them out a mile off. To be fair, some of them smell so bad that it's not hard to sniff them out. Note to shops: it's no good just providing a nappy bin, you need to empty it regularly too. I don't want to feed my baby in a room that stinks of poo. 

Henry has taken a fond liking to 'In the Night Garden' and it means we can eat our dinner without holding him too which is a massive bonus! It also means that I know all the words to the Upsy Daisy song, Makka Pakka song (is this even a song?! Who made this up?!) and Iggle Piggle song. We even sing Henry his own  version of Iggle Piggle's...."yes his name is Henry Barker, Henry David Henry David Barker..." You get the idea. Somehow, very quickly, we've turned into an actual family rather than a smug married couple with an immaculate house! We will soon know all of the programmes on Cbeebies and have favourites. In fact, I'm sure Rob is so happy to get up with Henry early on a weekend because it buys him some time to watch cartoons! 

I think before you have children you have this ideal image of your perfect little family. That perfect picture doesn't include your baby in an outfit that doesn't match. It certainly doesn't include a silicone egg poacher in your baby's hand! After a few weeks though, your perfect family picture turns to reality and you realise that your child's health and happiness is important above everything else. If the wooden spoon makes him happy, sod the £50 activity centre you so excitedly bought when you were 12 weeks pregnant! As long as he's clean and smiling, you are doing just fine.

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