Saturday, 4 January 2014

Mum knows best??

On a Facebook group that I'm a member of there are often debates (read: bitchy arguments) about parenting. This week's arguments have involved whether or not to let your toddlers drink tea and how early to wean your baby. There were a range of opinions on there and worryingly there was a parent that regularly gave her 3 year old an espresso and someone who weaned at just 9 weeks because she felt guilty for eating in front of her baby without giving him any!!

Anyway, I digress. It got me wondering about who knew best about parenting. I certainly don't. I'm learning every day with this whole mummy lark and I feel like I'm doing far (we haven't dropped him on his head yet anyway!). People on said Facebook group often quote their mummy instinct, but to be quite honest I don't think it's the thing to rely on when considering whether espresso is right for a toddler...I think common sense may have been better! My mummy instinct seems to be limited to knowing what Henry's cries mean and what he needs to make him happy, but I certainly don't rely on this instinct when it comes to weaning and the like...I'm putting full trust in scientific research, the WHO, NHS, my mum and good old Annabel Karmel. I'm sure together we can work it out.

I'm lucky in the sense that I don't have any 'know it all' family telling me what's best. I know that they're there for advice should I need it (and I do, every day!) but they don't force their way on us which I am grateful for. I feel confident leaving Henry with my mum for an hour or so knowing that she certainly won't be trying to give him a sneaky taste of custard while I'm out like some mums would...yes really, lots of moaning goes on about it on the same Facebook group!!

How hard can it be? I hear you childless friends ask. After all, people have been bringing up children for years and years.  I think the thing that makes it so hard is that never before have there been so many differing opinions and information readily available to us. It can be really daunting. Do I do exactly as my mum did? Do I do as my friends do? Gina Ford? Super Nanny? Or do I just take it a day at a time and try my very best? I think that'll have to do....

(And just for the record, I'm hoping to wean at 6 months, absolutely will not be making Henry an espresso any time soon  but the odd cup of milky tea at his grandparents house when he's 7 or 8 won't harm...heaven forbid I may even let him have a spoonful of sugar.....but shh don't tell the Mums on Facebook, it'll only start an argument!!)


  1. And if anyone is wondering why this was written at such a ridiculous time, Henry decided that 4:45 was a good time to wake up this morning...what a treat for me
