Sunday, 5 January 2014

Our day, in pictures

A recap of our day, in pictures...

A rubbish night's sleep...7 wake ups in 9 hours! Here is a rare sleeping shot.

Breakfast in bed courtesy of the hubby. Porridge and banana.

Off to the beach we go 

Cold Mummy and cosy baby in sling.

Friends and family 

Gorgeous George and his best pal, Big M

Warming up with fish and chips in Colmans

Henry's now grabbing everything in sight! A fork wasn't the best thing. Luckily Parpar was on hand to keep him safe.

Henry and his lovely friend Laura

Playtime at home 

His good friend Sophie

Reading The Gruffalo with Mummy

 Gorgeous little feet

Tummy time with Daddy

Our favourite time of day, bath time!!

Now time for a story...the Kings are coming tonight!

One of them has dropped a jewel...

Night night everyone, we hope you all had a wonderful Sunday wherever you were xxx

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