Henry got this beautiful book as a gift today, it's made my a big, well known company, beautifully made and put together, and most importantly, he LOVES it. When I pick up the book I should be looking at all the bright colours and animals but instead my eye is drawn to the apostrophe...
I don't know about you, but I've never met a pet with more than one tail?! How is this allowed to happen? Before this book was manufactured, how many people must have seen it and not noticed?
If you take a trip to your local Tesco, have a look at their apostrophe use, it's appalling! Their sign writer needs sacking. I recall going in once and above the sweetie aisle was a sign that said 'KID'S SWEETS'....that must be one fat kid!!
Here a few more pics of Tesco's appalling grammar use.
Mmm and it's just not that difficult. It should be a sign writer's job to learn about apostrophes. If unsure...use none. X